Here, you'll find a collection of resources I have put, or am in the process of putting, together. These resources cover my key research interests, including international finance, asset pricing and econometrics, as well as other material related to the academic literature on finance and financial economics. I plan on linking additional, useful resources, developed by many of the greats, that I have come across over the course of my studies, in the hope that they continue to aid keen students in the future. I've also linked various teaching notes that I've created for students on UG or PG courses for which I've been a TA.
Finance Comprehensive Exam
Miscellaneous Resources
Teaching Notes
Alex Edmans Gresham Lectures on The Principles of Finance
Andrea Ferrero on Macro-Finance, International Macroeconomics & Monetary Economics
Francesco Franzoni on Empirical Asset Pricing
Giancarlo Corsetti on International Finance
Giuseppe Cavaliere on An Incredible Compilation of Econometrics Resources
John Cochrane on Asset Pricing
John Cochrane & Thomas Sargent on Monetary Economics
Júlien Penasse on Macroeconomics & International Finance
Lasse Heje Pedersen on Big Data Asset Pricing (Part 1 of 6)
Manuel Arellano on Various Econometric Methods
Matteo Maggiori & Jesse Schreger on International Macroeconomics and Finance
Oliver Linton on Empirical Finance
Ralph Koijen on Empirical Asset Pricing
Standford Big Data Initiative on International Macro-Finance
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe, Martin Uribe & Michael Woodford on International Macroeconomics
Zhengyang Jiang on International Finance
Reading, Writing & Research Tips
David Backus on Research in International Finance
Don Davis on Getting Started with Thesis Research
Hal Varian on Generating Ideas
John Cochrane on Writing Tips for PhD Students
Jonathan Shewchuk on Giving an Academic Talk
Michael Kremer on Writing Papers
NYU Stern on Practical Advice for PhD Students